- OHTL 750 кV
» Ukraina-Romania-Bulgaria (bulgarian territory only) - 3х5хАС-300 (85 km) - OHTL 400 кV
- for s/s Suvorovo 750/400/110 кV - 3х2АСО-500 (17 km)
- Bulgaria - Jugoslavia (bulgarian territory only) - 3х2хАСО-500 (37 km))
- Bulgaria - Greece (bulgarian territory only) - 3х2хАСО-500 (72 km)
- АЕZ Kozlodui - s/s Tzintzareni (Romania) - 2х3АСО-500 (15 km)
- АЕZ Kozlodui - s/s Mizia - 2х3АСО-500 (69 km)
- АЕZ Kozlodui - s/s Sofia west - 2х3х2АСО-500 (129 km)
- АЕZ Kozlodui - s/s Vidin (in construction) - 3х2АСО-500 (105 km)
- АЕZ Belene - s/s Tzarevetz (design only) - 3х2АСО-500 (90 km)
- s/s Sofia west - s/s Radomir - 2х3х2хАСО-500 (45 km)
- s/s Karlovo - s/s Plovdiv - 2х3х2хАСО-400 (in construction)
- s/s Tzarevetz - s/s Rozova dolina - 2х3х2хАСО-400 (85 km)
- TPP Maritza east 3 - TPP Maritza east 2 - 3х3АСО-500 (43 км)
- Murgash - changing of the earthwire with optical cable
- for territory to Iraq, Jordan and others ...
- OHTL 220 кV
- АЕZ Kozlodui - s/s Mizia - 2х3АСО-500 (68 km)
- АЕZ Kozlodui - s/s Vidin - 2х3АСО-500 (110 km)
- TPP Bobov dol - s/s Sofia sauth - 2х3АСО-500 (58 km)
- TPP Maritza east 2 - s/s Stara Zagora - 3хАСО-500 (47 km)
- for gaz TPS Ihtiman - 2х3АСО-500 (12 km)
- Oborishte, Parvenetz and Pancharevo (changing of the earthwire with optical cable)
- Great number OHTL 110 кV in Bulgaria and abroad
- Great number OHTL 20 кV in Bulgaria and OHTL 33 кV in abroad